Creating Azure Function App in Azure Portal

The goal of this article is to create a Azure function app in Azure portal. At the end of this article we will have a running function app sevice.

Let's begin!!!!

1. Login to Azure ortal (
2. Click on All Services on left and search for Function App and select Function App.

3. Now Click on Add/Create Function App.
4. Enter the Function App Name.
5. Select Subscription and Resource group.
6. Select appropriate location where you want to deploy your function App.
7. Select a Hosting plan. Read this document for information about hosting plan.
8. A function app needs a storage account. If you have any existing storage account that you want to use then select that else create a new one.
9. For demo purpose I have selected all default values.
10. Azure function app will need a application insight to send telemetry data related to function run. If you have an existing application insight resource choose that or else create a new one.
11. Click Create.

You can check deployment progress in notification section.

After deployment is done click on Go to resource and here is our function app.

You can see status as running and verify other details like subscription, resource group etc.

So here our App service for function app is ready.

In the next article(s) we will see how to create functions in this app service using portal and also using visual studio.

Adding function to an Azure Function App in Azure Portal
